Tenancy at Cleantech Commons
Tenants at Cleantech Commons™ will be able to work with world-class and internationally-recognized researchers, students and facilities at Trent University’s School of the Environment, Water Quality Centre, Centre for Biomaterials Research, Inorganic Materials Research Laboratory, and The Emery Lab, as well as with Fleming College’s Centre for Advancement of Water and Wastewater Technologies.
(See a full list of Trent’s Research Centres and Institutes,)

Already, several future Cleantech Commons tenants are working with Trent researchers and faculty on a number of collaborative research initiatives.
Working with Trent University’s chemistry department, for example, Carbonix has developed a proprietary process that can convert large amounts of petroleum coke and boiler char – previously considered waste byproducts – into activated carbon.
Trent’s exceptional learning environment and academic performance have earned the University a ranking among the world’s best.

In the 2020/21 Centre for World University Rankings (CWUR) Trent is ranked at number 32 out of 96 Canadian universities while placing 1,237 out of over 20,000 global institutions, up nine places from last year’s 1,248 place ranking and earning Trent a spot in the top 6.2% of universities worldwide.
In 2020 Trent built on its strong reputation as an environmental leader, ranking number three in Canada in the annual “UI GreenMetric World University Ranking”. (See: Cleantech Commons contributes to Trent’s improved Sustainability Ranking.)
See: “Research at Trent University” for further information.